Choose Your Own Adventure

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2013: The Year of the Endless Fall

D and I went to Silver Springs to see how it looks in the fall.
          I am declaring 2013: The Year of the Endless Fall!  When I returned to campus in late August I was surprised to see that a pretty maple tree had already added red highlights to its leaves.  Two months later and the maple is still going strong with much  more red, a few oranges, slight hints of yellow, and still holding onto a bit of that deep green.  Several other trees have joined it in donning new colors while the rest are waiting for the right time to change.  I'll be the first to admit that my memory from year to year is not that great, but do you remember having a fall like this recently?  I am loving it and making sure to try to capture as many colorful pictures as possible.  For those of you living in areas that aren't experiencing this amazing fall beauty, head over to the Midwest as soon as you can so you can catch a glimpse before winter truly sets in and scares all the leaves off the trees.

Backyard bonfires with s'mores are a lot of fun.  Especially when you bury a bunch of acorns beneath leaves and wait for them to POP.
D went with half of my family to go for a hike around Devil's Lake.  The weather was perfect.  Even the nephews had fun.

This is a smaller maple that went red very quickly.
D and I enjoyed a beautiful sunset over the river.
I've been watching this maple since August.