Choose Your Own Adventure

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Thinx: My First Impressions

          Earlier this year I heard about Thinx period underwear.  They claim that depending on your flow you might not need a pad or anything else beside them, or you can use them as backup on those heaviest days.  They absorb our blood and tissue just like a pad but supposedly without the threat of leaks.  They are advertised for use up to ten hours.  Put them on and wear them wherever you need to be for a day.  Thinx appeals to me because I don't like making so much trash each month just to bleed, pads are expensive, and I haven't seen any other pad alternatives that interest me.  I am not interested in anything that needs to be inserted, or interested in chemically stopping periods because I don't know if all the risks are understood, yet.  So period panties that are reusable, cute, and in a similar price range as Victoria's Secret (almost as sexy and way more practical) are worth a try.

          This blog is my attempt to let curious minds know my thoughts and the details about wearing these neat undies.  If you're squeamish you probably haven't been enjoying the thrill of monthly bleeding for very long or you're just silly.  Don't worry, I love silly people, but I won't hold back on the gross because periods are gross; that's nature.  I bought my first pair earlier this summer and immediately had friends and family wanting to know more, so here it is!

          First let's talk about picking the pair.  Thinx has several styles ranging from the thong that will absorb half a tampon's worth up to hiphugger that holds two tampon's worth.  I've never used tampons so I can't make a direct comparison to that claim.  I bought my first pair black/medium/hiphugger to test on my heaviest days.  When I took my two measurements one fell into the small and one into the medium category on the sizing chart.  I chose medium, because of all the times you don't want something too small around your waist it is probably when you're bloated and crampy.  I went with black because that seems more fun.  They arrived in a very reasonable amount of time in their own little package that fit in our small mailbox.

          Now onto the more exciting look and feel.  I love the fabric, it is silky, stretchy, and has super sexy lace around the top.  They thankfully don't squeeze around the thighs, unlike my new cute cotton undies.  I am realizing that either undies and jeans run on different sizes, or I've gone up sizes since the last time I bought jeans.  The medium Thinx did fit a little loose but not loose enough to worry about them falling down, and when the cramps hit they were perfect.  I also love the feel of the smooth fabric against my pants as I walk.  These are the sexiest pair of underwear I own and I'm totally ok with that.  One extra note on style is if you wear the lower rise jeans with a shorter shirt where you get that bare skin gap in the back when you sit your lace will show.  I don't know why they use such a thick layer of lace, but that is one thing I found interesting.  Of course that is not a deal breaker but just something to consider when picking your outfit.  If you want to show off the sexy lace go for it!  Why not feel sexy when you're otherwise feeling terrible?  It can be a bit empowering during shark week to show off some sexy.

          Let's try them on!  It took me a few months to give them a proper test.  They came in super handy on a trip home when I'd forgotten to pack pads for an overnight stay at the in-laws' and Aunt Flo showed up a little early.  Then when she stuck around heavier than usual longer than usual they were wonderful to wear on the flight home and not have to worry about a bulky pad.  It was so nice to sit four hours without an extra bulge between my butt bones.  The absorbent material is not bulky or stiff, it feels almost exactly like regular underwear.  The difference is noticeable if you want to be picky but it's not bad in any way.  If I handed you a pair to examine and try on you probably wouldn't notice that they aren't regular undies.  Another user compared the feel to swim suit material.

          Time for some ick.  I do not know how my flow compares to others but I usually have two or three heavy days where at least 2 regular or long "thin" pads are needed during the day.  I often change more often than needed for comfort, odor, and peace of mind; I also use the bathroom as frequently as able at least on the first day.  Then I use the diaper-like nighttime pads for at least 3 nights and try to get up to pee a couple times a night to release any built up flow.  With the Thinx I have had zero leak or lack of absorbance issues so far.  I have always been able to use the restroom frequently so they haven't been given a full test of what it would be like if I was at work or a social event for the day.  I also haven't tested them at night because I'm not sure how they'd work when I'm laying down all the time, especially as a side sleeper.  If I laid on my back or front I think the Thinx would catch all the flow, there seems to be plenty of material in the hiphuggers that goes as high as most pads in the front and back.  Don wonders if the boy short style, while rated for only one tampon might be better for night since they enclose your upper thigh, as well.  I'll have to try them out.

          If you're like me then it's not always perfect liquid dripping out and you get blobs.  The tissue in the blobs doesn't seem to get fully absorbed but the liquid from them does.  So far this just creates a very thin dry visible layer on the fabric over time.  I am impressed that they only create that thin layer because pads seem unable to dry out blobs which just sit there looking like sea monsters until I change pads.  I don't like that, so this is a major improvement in my book.  My only concern with this is if I wasn't able to use the bathroom enough on a heavy day would that layer start to build up and possibly create absorbance issues.  When I get a job and have to test this out, I'll let you know.

          For the most part I do feel dry wearing Thinx.  On lighter days there is no dampness.  After a long, heavy flow day though I've sometimes noticed dampness or at least a slight chill from evaporation cooling the fabric when I pull them back up after taking a pee.  But I don't feel gross at all.  I also can't say for sure that it's not sweat causing the issue.  California summers are very hot, and I've been sweating non-stop since June, so it could be that.  More time will be needed for me to be sure about dryness.

          My next thought is about odor.  I don't know if there is any odor protection built in so by the end of a long day I wouldn't be surprised if that started being an issue.  I wonder if that is why they recommend 10 hours as the wear time.  I haven't noticed it myself, yet, and I still think you'd make it through a work day without a problem, but I think it would be wise to wash your smelly bits before putting on tomorrow's pair so you're starting the day fresh.  If I was working then going out after work I'd probably have a second pair at the ready to change into before going out for comfort and peace of mind.  No one will know you're wearing period panties or bleeding unless you tell them, either!  I know pads can sometimes be visible under certain fabrics, especially fresh ones that haven't yet formed to your curves.  Sometimes I'm self-conscious about that so I think that's another reason I love these so much.  They are discreet and sexy!

          I have so many pairs of stained underwear that it is nice to finally have pairs that can get blood all over them and look like new after an easy wash.  With pads I will usually still end up staining the fabric that touches my inner thighs because they don't absorb fast enough or they get bunched out of place.  I haven't tried the nude fabric so I don't know if they will start to pick up color over time or not.  I will also have to try that out.

          Now to talk about care.  Once I am done with my pair after a heavy day I put on my usual undies and a nighttime pad then I take the Thinx to my sink rinse out the absorbent area a few times with just running water then I use soap and just scrub until the pink stops.  It usually takes about five minutes then they go into a delicates bag or zipper pillow case and wait for laundry day.  I like getting that part done right away because I imagine it's more effective and it isn't much of a hassle.  I put them in a cold water load then let them air dry and they are ready for use again!  If you do laundry more frequently than we do you can probably use each pair more than once during each cycle, too.  Then you can really get your money's worth by reducing the number of pairs you need to not need any pads.  Hopefully each pair will last a very long time; another thing I am eager to learn.  I will still always want thin panty-liners around but I'd like to be able to stop buying all other pads.

          Today I am wearing my new black/small hiphugger pair and I probably won't wear them on a cramp day again because they do squeeze enough to make my bloated sides a little grumpy.  I also get red marks at the seams on my legs moreso than with the mediums, and wedgies due to sitting not like a dainty lady.  They arrived with a different type of decorative fabric at the top that is stretchy and not such a fancy lace.  I wonder if they realized this won't wear out as quickly as lace.  I think my next order with be a 3 pack (because they get a discount) of 2 medium hiphuggers (one nude) to cover all heavy days and a medium sport style.  I might trade a hiphugger for a boyshort to try at night, though.  I'll let you know how that goes if I try it out.  I'd love to eliminate those nighttime pads!

          So the TL;DR of it all is:  yes on comfort at the right size (go with the larger size if your measurements fall into 2 sizes), yes on style, yes on absorbance, unknown about odor control, unknown about nighttime use, ok on dryness on heavy days and yes for lighter days, yes on ease of use and care, yes on price because they are reusable and can potentially eliminate the need for anything else, yes on preventing more stained undies, and yes I want more.  This is the first time someone can make me really happy with a gift of undies, which Don is more than happy to do.  Yes, I recommend you should at least try a pair because I think you will really like having them around for regular use or as a sexy backup.  Final note: each pair sold funds a pack of AFRIpads for girls in Africa who don't have such easy access to sanitary pads and sometimes have to miss school because of it, so yes for being a good person.

          This is my first time reviewing something and sounding like a salesperson.  How did I do?  The video below is worth a watch if you have more time.  I love you just for reading this!  Please ask any questions in the comments below and I will add updates as I experience the Thinx world more.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ninja Visit

Grand Canyon's Desert View Watchtower
          My first ninja visit has been a pretty big success.  I swooped into town undetected and got to surprise friends and family by suddenly being in town.  D was neck deep in career stress this month and he agreed that it was a perfect opportunity for me to head home with my parents and sis for a couple weeks to give him guilt-free weekends spent at work.  Now he is nearly done with the stress, I am heart happy from getting to see so many loved ones, and we are both ready to spend time together again.

          Just in time to celebrate my birthday, our second anniversary, and then his birthday all in the span of three weeks.

          My first niece was born in April just down the street from our apartment.  My parents and sis couldn't resist such a perfect reason to visit sunny California.  They took a slow, scenic drive across country and arrived just in time to greet the new baby girl and help out with her big brother while mommy recovered and daddy worked at his new job.  I was in heaven.  What is better than having your newest family member just down the street while your favorite sis is living with you?

          We mostly enjoyed hanging out with each other, cooking together, snuggling the baby, taking big brother for walks, and playing some table top games.  Thankfully we also had time to explore Universal Hollywood's new Wizarding World, Magic Mountain's incredible virtual reality roller coaster, and Cabrillo Beach's tide pools.

San Francisco Peaks
          The visit is over much too soon, and it is time for us to pack our bags.  I am mindful that I'm also packing to satisfy airline regulations for the return trip.  We drive the first day to Flagstaff and enjoy dinner at Olive Garden.  It is quite chilly as the sun sets but the snowy-peaked mountains are the real cause for our breathlessness.

It was a slow reveal today.
          Our second day starts staring into a chasm filled with thick fog that slowly dissolves to reveal the Grand Canyon stretching far below and before us.  I wasn't as awe-struck as I wanted to be.  I hope that one day I'll be able to climb down into it and better feel the immense scale of it.  Regardless of my feelings it was still a very photogenic day.  I made sure to snap squirrel photos for D who enjoys pointing them out on all our trips.

Sunset Crater Volcano
          Day three takes us to the Petrified Forest in Arizona.  Trees that have turned to quartz are broken and shattered all over the place.  Some chunks are as thick as I am tall.  We fight the wind and scattered rain but succeed in filling our heads with the colors and history displayed here.  One day I will return here for some more hiking with D.

Petrified wood next to a living cactus.
          After sleeping in Albuquerque, New Mexico we take the short drive to Sandia Peak for a tram ride to the top.  The wind is strong and I hold my hat down with a head band that also keeps my ears warm.  After yesterday's winds on the cliffs, I am prepared.  I don't want to get punched in the chin by my baseball cap again.  Your wrist is not as safe a place for your hat during extreme winds as you might think.  The views of New Mexico sprawling before and around us are nicely labeled on information boards.  The ski trails are ready for the season's hikers and mountain bikers.  We eat a hurried lunch at the restaurant at 12,000 feet, and make it down on the last tram before they close for the day due to the high winds.

My first snowman of the 2015-2016 snowy season.

          Texas and Oklahoma don't hold my attention along this route, even with all their cattle and long-horned cattle.  Missouri starts to feel more like home, and we all have a good laugh at the billboards:  We're having big fun in Uranus! and Uranus Fudge Factory: The Best Fudge is Found in Uranus!  It's hard not to appreciate the humor.  Storms follow us into St. Louis as we drive by the arch and Eads Bridge.  We have just enough time to snap pictures of engineer James Buchanan Eads's grave before the thunder cracks and hurries us along.

The exact point where Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri meet.
          Finally we are home.  I wash my small load of laundry and head to bed early.  It's amazing how quickly your body gets used to earlier sleep schedules when on a somewhat regimented road trip.

          My week home is spent hanging out with my best friend and her family, playing a little Wii with my mom, helping make cupcakes by finishing extra frosting, celebrating birthdays with lots of family and friends (not all my family, but they still feel like family), tagging along on a surprise trip to immediate care, enjoying so much good food and company, playing fun card games with family, giving many check-ups to many toys, sharing a tree frog with excited kids, trying to stay warm at entertaining soccer games, dropping off a forgotten souvenir, cheering on my husband from afar, covering myself in dog fur from many puppy snuggles, hunting for Lego Mickey and Minnie, and a handful of brand new experiences.  Several parts of this week are forever engraved on my heart.

          Despite the insanity of these two wildest weeks of my life (so far), I am very grateful for them.  I hope my next ninja visit will be just as filled with love and contain only good surprises.

The blue mesa trail at the Petrified Forest National Park.