Choose Your Own Adventure

Monday, July 30, 2018

My Wonderful Day: A Rocky Tale

This morning the lights turned on way too early again, but I always ignore them long enough for my rock to warm up. After warming myself I check on Mom and Dad and they are still sleeping, barely moving around at all. I call out a good morning just in case they're pretending; they aren't. I talk with Whee while I wait SUPER patiently. If they saw me they would be proud. I only call out good morning to them a dozen times today, and they only shift acknowledgement a few times. I get worried, though because the sun coming in from the window cracks is quickly disappearing and if I don't get my morning bath sometimes Mom forgets and I don't get to sunbathe at all!! That makes my tummy feel all weird and pooping the next day gets very hard.
My awesome new bed.
By the way Mom bought me a new pair of socks when she didn't take me to Disneyland... again. She says I wouldn't like it, but if she has so much fun I'm pretty sure I'm missing out. Besides, a place with such soft socks has to be magical, right? I got to poop on one today and I tell you, that is how to relieve yourself with style! Mom finally gets up and waves at me as she grabs a shirt and goes to relieve herself. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself! I do a quick run to my digging spot, kick some dirt around, then dash back and begin my morning greeting to Mom as she brings me my climbing rack.
I duck for Mom because I can hardly wait for her to let me into my dirt home.
Silly Mom, I don't need that; I'm doing parkour today! I bounce over to annoying Draig'r's home (she always eats all the food), climb along her front door, jump for a quick rest on the tower of slippery black, then shoot across my bridges to my dirt home. Oops, I blocked Mom's way and have to duck my head so she can open the door the rest of the way. Ah, the refreshing cool air, dirt, and leaves always relax me. After a few minutes she turns on the extra mini-sun that my pet Mantys don't get to use and my skin feels happy. She even brings in my new big log and I get comfy behind its first big lump. I have a great view from here.
The best seat on the log!
I watch Mom take out my new pet Daisy. He's super fast! He keeps trying to climb onto her face but she keeps tricking him with her hand. It's ok Daisy, she does that to me, too. While she's playing with him I try jumping up to my ceiling and miss. I have a skinny stick I might be able to climb, but it doesn't get me quite up to the right height, either. It sure is fun to try! While she's got Daisy out, I run over to his half of my dirt home and make sure he's taking good care of it. I can't wait to get the whole place to myself! Having a pet is nice, too, I guess. Those Mantys are really fun to watch. Sometimes they watch me without blinking once; other times they'll wobble side to side and it's really funny.
Daisy is much smaller than Luigi Manty.
See how well I can climb that skinny stick?
Mom puts Daisy back home and it's my turn to snuggle. I know I'm not the only one she has to take care of, but I'm definitely the most important! I won't ever let her forget it. Mom gets me a nice big drink and we go sit on the potty together even though I already went. Her shoulder is always so warm; I close my eyes and relax while she laughs at something on her hand screen. I move a little to remind her to get up before she has to do the leg wiggle dance again. It looks like it doesn't feel good so I don't know why she does it so often. We hang out on her bed and I climb down her back waiting for her to stretch out her legs. She finally gets the hint and we relax together while Dad sleeps nearby. He sure sleeps a lot when his alarm doesn't make him leave.
I usually warm up on her butt (teehee), but today her leg seemed warmer.
Once we're both warm again, I hope I do as good a job warming her up as she does for me, we explore her bed. No bugs in the covers today, no bugs seen from the edges, but to be sure I prepare to jump to the floor when Mom literally gives me a hand. For some reason she really doesn't like it when I jump onto the floor on my own. She's always telling me, "don't jump" and, "Rocky, careful." She says it with that tone that means I might be sent to my home if I don't listen, and not the fun dirt one, so I usually try to listen, usually. The thing is, I've made it to the floor a couple times this week and Dad has some neat stuff hidden under his desk that I really have to see. You never know where a wild cricket might be hiding!
Sometimes Mom's hands help me instead of saying, "stop."
I was making a big shadow.
I make it under his desk and look around when suddenly a super bright amazing tiny sun turns on from Mom's hand screen. I can't stop myself from moving to it to check it out. It makes me cast such neat shadows. Mom actually lets me explore a little more, no crickets but I did find my bed with pumpkins on it, before she gives me her hand to warm up on and we relax on her bed again. Dad wakes up and reaches his hand out to me. I think about how warm he always is, but I see my food bin, feel my empty tummy, and run up the bridge Mom brought me to wait in my dirt home until food time. I get to play in here a while before I get bored and run up Mom's desk. She says the magical f-word and I run to the edge and watch as she picks out a super big juicy dubia for me. Just as she's bringing it to me she turns around and puts it back in the bin!? That's wasn't too big, Mom, I could have eaten it no problem! She gets me a slightly smaller one and puts it in the shaking bag that makes the most tummy-satisfying sound as she coats my food in batter. It crawls quickly onto her hand and tries to run away but I'm much too fast for it! YUM!
These bridges are the best.
Mom reaches into the food bin again and picks out some tasty small dubias, probably for Mini-Draig'r who she's trying to get me to call Ember. You can't trick me, I know a draig'r when I see it. I let her do her thing and find my perfect spot to squeeze through the window covers to look outside. It takes some time but I finally spot my neighbor and walk along the window to say hello. Mom and Dad let me look outside a lot; they know it's one of my favorite things. Mom tries telling me it's tent time, but I manage to evade her and she gives me a few more minutes to look outside before she returns. I don't fight this time and just snuggle into her warm hand. Do all Moms have such warms hands?
Mom says this picture is funny because the first picture she has of me is me looking into the window through these slats.
My new tent is awesome.  I can climb all over it with no trouble at all.
We walk to my new, huge tent and I jump onto Draig'r's tent roof while Mom lets the light in and opens my door so I can get screen time. Sadly, though, she brings me into the tent instead of letting me climb on the screen. Oh well, I can still look outside and climb on my climbing rack and bridges. I climb onto my tree and begin exploring as she zips me in and says good-bye. She's always going somewhere, but when she leaves the door open for me to look outside it's not so bad. I sunbathe, bounce on my rack a bit, watch big Luigi Manty for a while, and play on my bridges while she's away. She comes back after the sun goes away but before it is totally dark to say hello and give me a drink before leaving again. I jump onto the tent wall, get cozy, and doze as she and Dad come back again and leave again. They return again after dark and I listen and keep dozing as they do whatever it is Moms and Dads do in kitchens as they talk and move things around. I know Mom will come to get me when it is time for her and Dad to sleep and we'll sleep on her bed under the covers a bit before she'll kiss me goodnight, I'll be too sleepy to kiss her back, she'll tuck me onto my new sock hopefully, and take me to my home. Can a day get better than this?
I love it when Mom lets me snuggle before we both have to sleep all night.

Sometimes Mom tries to put me to bed before I'm ready so I let her know that I need more snuggles.

Sometimes I have to remind her three times that I still need more snuggles.