Choose Your Own Adventure

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

D's Breakfast Bagel

          During one of D's visits he introduced me to an amazing treat: the breakfast bagel.  I know I mentioned it before, but it is so good that this masterpiece is worth its own post.

          The first thing you need to do is get the bagels out of the freezer and open one up with a knife. Be careful not to break it since it's frozen still.  What?  You don't keep bagels in the freezer?  You must eat bagels really fast.

          Next, get out that lovely artery clogging butter and add a thin coating to both halves while freezing your hands on the cold bagels.  You don't need a generous layer, although go ahead and do your own thing. I love butter but I think a thinner layer will help with the frying.

          Third, place your bagel halves on a hot frying pan and enjoy that sizzling butter sound. Yes, you must enjoy it or they won't turn out right!  Trust me, you don't want to mess with this.

          Your goal is to get both halves evenly slightly brown.  I think I needed to press mine down against the pan to get the even browning.  Make sure to throw some meat in the pan as well and enjoy that sizzling sound, too.  I added two slices of honey ham, two is not nearly enough. What was I thinking?

          Now add a generous helping of butter to the hot pan and notice the difference in sizzling sounds between this, the bagels, and the meat.  Don't let it burn!  I'd recommend not trying to take pictures of it while it is on the hot pan. Instead, move that pan around to get the butter to move all over it to be ready for the egg (s).

          Here comes more breakfast for this bagel!  Fry at least one egg on there.  Now if you're really, really hungry you can try frying more than one, but remember, no matter how hungry you are the size of your stomach doesn't change.  So if you have a small stomach like me, that stinks.  Stick with one egg.  But if you're luckier, add another or more so you'll have a bigger bagel.

          After you let that egg cook a little, go ahead and break the yolk and push it around.  So it's not quite a scrambled egg because it has larger chunks of whites and yolks.  Of course, that's also your preference you should listen to.  Look, I made egg art!

          Now if you're like me, make sure you don't forget this next step: add salt and pepper.  I always forget about that.  Once the egg is cooked go ahead and push it towards the center, keeping the heat up, into one bagel sized blob.  The higher heat will cook your egg faster and make this next step easier.

          Put a slice of cheese on top of the pile, and if the heat is high enough it should start melting right away. I wouldn't recommend using a high heat while taking pictures, though, unless you have an assistant or the eggs might get brown and I hate brown eggs.

          If you aren't photographing while cooking your cheese should be a lot meltier than mine is right now.  Next is the fun part.

          In a fantastical display of your amazing frying pan dexterity, slide that mass of egg and cheese right off the pan onto the bottom bagel half.

          Add the meat and the top half of the bagel and you are ready for my favorite step.


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