Choose Your Own Adventure

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

He Likes It; He Really Likes It!

This little cutie, Waddles, just appeared in our bed on our first night here.
          For the second day in a row D has come home happy and in a good mood.  You would not believe how rare that is.  Sure he's come home happy before, but not usually on consecutive days.  He comes home happy when work has gone well, when a project worked out, after a game night, or after seeing his parents.  He enjoyed grad school, but I could tell it also really stressed him.  Now he's come home with a smile shining from his face, even if his mouth wasn't smiling, on both days.

          This is why we came here.  If I get to see my husband happy and loving his job, leaving our friends and family two thousand miles away won't be quite so hard.  He knows that he's been placed on a challenging project.  The past two days have been full of more book keeping official tasks rather than what he will be doing.  Yet, I can tell that he is loving it.  If you ask him, for some reason he down plays how he's feeling, but he can't hide it.  Dr. D loves working at JPL.

The view from our hotel room.  The mountains are Griffith Park and Hollywood Hills.

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