Choose Your Own Adventure

Thursday, October 11, 2012


All those colors on one plant were begging for a photo shoot.
          I love days like today, days with neat numbers.  October 11, 2012 is actually a day I've been looking forward to this year because of the 10-11-12 pattern.  Did you realize that today is only a neat date in the U.S. and perhaps a couple other countries?  Most countries put the day before the month.  So on November 10th the rest of the world will be making sure to write a check or make a journal entry so that they can write 10-11-12.
          Are you getting the feeling that I'm a little silly and perhaps a little nerdy?  If I told you that Pi Day is also one of my favorite days would that change your mind at all?  March 14 is the date that math teachers want to bring pie into class to get their students excited about irrational numbers.  There is a very exciting Pi Day coming up in a few years 3-14-15.  I definitely should do something special on that day!  Alright, I will let you in on a little secret: I am not a little nerdy, I am a HUGE nerd!  That's no secret to anyone who knows me, but perhaps my fabulous prose and beautiful pictures have been able to prevent you from drawing that conclusion until now.

See, I'm distracting you again. : )
          The next cool number day coming up is 12-12-12.  Now I have some questions for you.  Do you notice dates with neat numbers?  What are some things you might do on one of those days or what did you do today?  And here's the fun one: what should I do to celebrate 3-14-15?  Please leave your answers in the comments.  Let's see how many people are brave enough to admit they enjoy these days, too.


  1. I can't admit I enjoy those days since I don't pay attention to them at all. ;-)) But I do know what YOU should do to celebrate 3/14/15, get married and make sure your aunt is invited.

    1. Aww, well if that happens you are guaranteed an invite for sure! You don't need to worry about that.

  2. I love those days and pay attention to most of them. Thanks for pointing this one out or I may have missed it. I even wrote a check out today and didn't catch it. Beautiful pictures!

    1. Thank you! I'm surprised you didn't notice when you wrote out the check. Dating my pages for homework was how I started noticing those days.
