Choose Your Own Adventure

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Fall D&Z Adventure to Pilcher Park

          It is time to tell you a tale of an actual adventure.  Adventures can just happen on their own or they can be planned, but no matter what, something is likely to surprise you.  D and I enjoy adventuring.  Our second date was our first big adventure, and there were plenty of wonderful surprises on that day that we'll both remember for a long time.  No, not sappy romantic surprises; it was just our second date, sheesh.  But that is not the adventure I'll tell you today.  I'm here to tell you about our most recent adventure.  An adventure to the Pilcher Park Nature Center's greenhouse.

          This is our second adventure to Pilcher Park and it is exciting to see how much it changes from spring to fall.  The trails look completely different when they are bathed in oranges and reds instead of the fresh greens shooting out of the decaying browns of winter.  I was most excited to see what was blooming inside, though.

          We were not disappointed.  D has never been in the greenhouse before this adventure, and I think it's safe to say he wasn't bored by it.  Pilcher Park is a popular wedding and photography location.  If you go on a weekend you can definitely plan on some sort of event happening.  Today was no exception.  The outside was set up for a wedding and the groomsmen were exploring the interior.  In the front room we saw a young child getting photos taken, and in the next room an older couple was getting pictures.  So we kept right on walking through to the tropical area.

          I was more than happy to move right through to this room since it is my favorite!  Where else can I see birds of paradise?  There are many exotic plants in this room full of vivid colors.  And in the very center is a well-stocked koi pond with a waterfall feeding into it.

          Of course that waterfall makes for a perfect photo opportunity for D and I, and we took advantage of that.  There is a very good reason that this place is so popular for those who want great photos.  Even if you just love plants this is a great place to explore.  Beyond the tropical room is a room full of spiky and thorny plants you'd expect to find in the desert.

          Several very large jade plants are in the center of the room.  I have one growing at my parents' house that I expect will reach that size someday.  Pilcher Park has all the greenhouse plants labeled so it was nice knowing that I correctly identified my jade plant.  That also means that if you want to know the name of any of these plants I would be able to find out quite easily.  I don't pay much attention to names when I'm exploring, though.  I'm too busy clicking away with my camera and checking out the plants D doesn't want me to miss.  I know I have a keeper when my man excitedly points out more potential photos instead of groaning about me taking so many. =)

          We finally got our chance to explore the front room and D and I thoroughly enjoyed noticing the variety of very colorful leafy plants.  Green on the outside with a purple ring toward the center, purple on the outside green on the inside, purple on the outside with darker purple on the inside, hot pink beside green, hot pink inside light pink inside green, and the ones you see above that look like a firework going off inside the plant.  These plants are just beautiful.
          Next we headed outside and as I took some photos of roses I noticed my man sneaking off.  Next thing I know he's peaking out from behind a tree and I can't stop myself from grabbing a shot of that.  That's right, he supports my passion for photography and is a big goof like me.  Perfect!

          We took a walk around the outside of the greenhouse where our eyes were assaulted by pinks, purples, and beautiful blues, but what stood out most was a rare photo opportunity indeed.  D spotted a sluggish grasshopper climbing in the chilly leaves.  I like bugs a lot, especially the ones that can't bite or sting. So spitting bugs with wings I love!  You know what I mean, that brown "tobacco" juice they spit on you when you hold them.  I don't mind that.  And if you don't know what I mean then you need to get out there and go grasshopper hunting!  Those bugs are fun.  Tie some thread around a really big flying grasshopper and you have a flying pet on a string!  If you're not brave enough to do it, then give the idea to a kid and watch what happens.  It is fun, especially when a bird swoops in and eats your temporary pet.  Ok, that was actually a sad day, but we still laughed.
          I told you, every adventure has a surprise in it, you just need to get out there and find it.


  1. This place is so gorgeous. David's photo that he has in his classroom of us is from in front of that waterfall. I'm so glad you two got to enjoy the beauty of the greenhouse!

    1. I remember taking that picture, well I remember taking a picture of the two of you in front of the waterfall.
