Choose Your Own Adventure

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Happy First Anniversary in Seattle

          Last year today D and I tied the knot in front of many friends and family.  Today we celebrate our anniversary on a flight to Seattle for the IEEE 2015 Conference.  We made it to Midway with the wonderful help of my dad who was able to find the way despite our exit ramp being closed.  Getting through Southwest security was very fast and our flight was uneventful.  As we neared Seattle the clouds parted enough for us to see snow-capped mountains as we descended.

          As luck would have it, my built-up tooth broke last night as I flossed so I am running around with half a lateral incisor.  After we took a train and a short walk to our hotel D found the nearest Walgreens and we managed to find the dental wax to fill it in.  Now I don't whistle when I make the f sound.  My good friend's brother-in-law was fantastic in providing us with a list of must-see attractions so we hit our first one next.

          Walking around Pike Place Market is very crowded but very impressive.  This is not only a perfect tourist attraction but the loads of fresh fruits, veggies, flowers, seafood, and of course souvenirs has anything you could want.  Apparently many men got guilted into buying the gorgeous $10 bouquets because what woman isn't worth at least that?  D is safe since my allergies make me a fan of flower photos rather than the actual thing.

          I had to ask for directions but we finally made it to Lowell's for the best food I've tasted in a long time.  I had the braised beef brisket dip sandwich (Oh my gosh, YUM!!), and D had the famous fish and chips.  He said they were equally praise-worthy and the best fish and chips he's ever had.  We sat on the third floor and had a lovely view of the water.  If you visit Seattle, you must eat here.

The view from our table.
          With our bellies full we took a walk down to the piers.  We'll be visiting the Seattle Aquarium and getting an Argosy boat tour this week.  Seattle has their own version of a mini Navy Pier that doesn't compare to Chicago's, but at least they tried.  Their giant Ferris wheel is impressive.  D and I liked the wooden sculptures decorating the waterfront.

          My first impressions of Seattle are certainly positive.  They have wonderful and abundant public transportation.  The food is quite fresh and they know how to make it.  You'll have a list of things to see and do before you end your first night.  Art is alive and everywhere!

          The only negatives I see so far is there seems to be a large population of homeless (Jed Clampett must have spent all his oil money at Pike Place because I know I saw him in the park), at least they have a beautiful city to call home, and I'm pretty sure I saw a drug deal going down on our way back to the hotel.  That kind of gibberish and strange hand signs have to mean something.

The view from our hotel room.
          Now I must convince one of my siblings to move here.  I am very excited for the rest of the adventures this week holds!

Flower from our walk back.

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